Suppliers of Power Solutions, Products, Services and Support
In Sectors: Marine Leisure - Commercial - Industrial - Defence
Uptime, all the time. Volvo Penta shapes the future of the commercial marine industry by providing the most reliable, sustainable products and services – optimizing uptime and productivity for businesses around the globe.
At Volvo Penta, we’re focused on innovating tomorrow’s premium sustainable marine propulsion solutions, plus we’re equally responsible for advancing today’s best practice. In this case of three pilot boats for the Swedish Maritime Administration, Sjöfartsverket, that best practice was meeting the latest IMO Tier III regulations while delivering on important performance requirements.
Here at Volvo Penta, we’re innovating future technologies while in parallel working to exceed today’s best practices – renewable fuels are one focus area. Let’s look at what we’ve learned from using hydro-treated vegetable oil 100 (HVO 100) to power our fleet of test vessels at our Gothenburg-based marine testing facility, Krossholmen. This article is part of a series on HVO use at sea.